Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Balancing Act

I have learned that working and going to school is defiantly one BIG balancing act. I am amazed at myself on how I am able to keep up with everything. I know some people are probably saying I do a balancing act between work and school all the time it’s no big deal. Which if I was in just college I would say the same thing. Of course though I am not just in college, I am in a Hospital Based Radiological Technology Program. That within itself is a 40 hour non-paid work week.

I remember when I first started the program. My bosses at Effectur would pick on me are you sure you want to do that and not go full time here. Which defiantly back then and at different points in time when the program seemed too much to handle I was highly thinking about it. I am happy I did not though. I truly get great satisfaction at taking care of people in the Health Care field. But I will admit in 6 months when I graduate from this program I am truly going to miss everyone here when it comes time to switch jobs. As I have said in previous entries this company is not just a job but everyone here has become apart of my family!!!! The people here mean so much to me. They have been there for me through my roughest hours and helped push me to the other side.

I am proud to say that I am/have been an employee of Effectur. Also I will always care in my heart the many valuable growing lessons I have learned her along the way!!! Thank-you all, I am going to make sure the next 6 months are even more unforgettable then the ones before!!!

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